About me

Kelsey Zobrist sitting in a chair
Hey There!

I’m Kelsey, and I’m That Macaron Mama! 

Back when I was in college, baking was my main stress reliever. I was constantly giving away baked goods to neighbors. When I learned first hand how technical and tricky it is to get macarons right, I became determined to perfect my recipe. I loved learning the science behind these fickle cookies and trouble shooting what went wrong in order to fix it for the next batch. Once I perfected one flavor, I immediately dived into the next. 

In the beginning of 2021, I started my most stressful journey yet – I became a mother! I’ve never loved or needed baking more in my life, and between my family and my macarons, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I hope my macs can bring you even just a sliver of that joy into your life. 

Heart Kelsey